Am I afraid of death?

Hi my dear Friends,
This is not jack, However, it's really a good question through which am able to talk with you. Many Christians (and other theists) would say that they are not afraid of death, and maybe even look forward to it, because they know that they are going to Heaven for all eternity etc. etc. This leads them to the conclusion that atheists are mortally afraid of death, as they do not know what awaits them (or, rather stupidly, think that atheists believe they are going to HELL instead).
Well, I like being alive. I enjoy life, I enjoy learning about the wonderful world we live in and I have lots of good friends. I do not particularly want to die. The actual event of dying is something I would rather not have to endure. I would even say that I am afraid of dying, either of old age, disease, accident or injury. I don't necessarily want to live forever, but I would rather not experience dying, thank you very much.
Not wanting to die is perfectly natural.
I can't think of any creatures who have evolved with a built-in death-wish. However, the actual state of being dead does not worry me. My life will come to an end, one way or another, and that will be that. My brain, and therefore my consciousness, will simply stop working. I don't lie awake at night thinking "Oh no, one day I'll be dead and it will horrible. Boo hoo!"
All things die. You and I are among those things.
So to sum it up - I am not afraid of death (although I'm not too keen on actually having to do it ;)
But hey, if there is an afterlife, I'll send you a postcard... Hah hah...

Your's in Heart of Jesus,


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