Where Does the Time Go...

I always seem to have something to say, but I never sit down to type it out. Not that you all need to hear what I have to say, especially since you get to hear me Wednesday night and Sunday morning.

God is doing amazing things here at the New Life Center. This past Sunday we started our new sermon series (pictured above) to a great response from the people. What great expectation that everyone had for this series and what great things God began to do in the NLC. This series has been a while in the making and finally came into being for such a time as this.

To help me in this series, I've read a couple books. First, "Living in the Spirit," by George O. Wood. Second, "Forgotten God," by Francis Chan. Third, was a book written by a few different authors on how to help others recieve the baptism in the Holy Spirit. I've listened to some CD's from Tim Enloe on the baptism in the Spirit. Plus, reading and studying the scriptures.

I'm looking forward to the payoff from the study and prayer that have gone into this series, not just in others but myself. You see, I've had a fear of praying for people to recieve the baptism in the Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues. I have never lead someone into this great experience, which has developed fear in me, but I believe that is about to change. I believe that God is about to do a great work in the hearts of the people who make up NLC. And that many are going to be baptised in the Holy Spirit for the first time and others refilled with a greater understanding of what it means to be filled with the Holy Spirit.

Join me in praying throughout this series and for the rest of 2009 and what God wants to accomplish here in individuals.



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