Hi Friends,
Today many people are afraid when we speak about success. Really what is the meaning of success? What do we have to do to become a successful person? I want to approach success from two angles. First define success from the world’s point of view, and then from a Christian perspective.
The best way to define success from the world’s stand point is its power to get what you want without stepping on other people. World of success equals power. But a Christian definition of success has to include more than that. It is choosing to enter into the arena of action determined to give yourself to that cause which will better mankind and that which last for eternity. Success is more than just power or not violating the rights of others. It is in the service of contributing to the betterment of others.
Now let’s take each letter of the word success and make an acrostic.
S-Select Your Goal
The first letter S stands for select your goal. The reason most people don’t succeed is simply that they really don’t know what they want out of life. The apostle Paul wrote “I do not consider that I have made in my own, but this one thing I do: [Phil 3:13] He knew what he wanted to do.
The average person’s lifetime includes 20 years of sleeping 6 years of watching television 5 years of dressing and shaving, 3 years of waiting for others, 1 year on telephone and 4 months of tying shoes.
To help you understand the importance of goals and to facilitate your own goal setting.
let me give you six important guidelines.
1. Your goal must include others
2. Your goal must be worthwhile
3. Your goal must be clear
4. Your goal must be measurable expandable
6. Your goal must be filled with conviction.
U-Unlock Your Imprisoned Potential
Most people only use about 10 percent of their potential, if they use as much as 25 percent, they’re called geniuses. If we can go from using 10 percent, we could double our productivity and still have 80 percent of our potential untapped.
How do we unlock our potential? Here are just few way to begin.
1. Lookup. 2. Give up. 3. Fire up. 4. Show up. 5. Go up.
If we use this 5up’s easily we can come out of our potential.
C-Commit Yourself to God’s Plan
I can do all things through him who strengthens me (Phil. 4:13)

1. Are we consecrated to him?
2. Are we spending time with him?
3. What are our desires?
If we really want to know what God’s plan for our life, we have to do something, god works by some good things. Commit ourselves to God’s plan.
C - Chart Your Course.
This has to do with planning. It’s better to look ahead and prepare than look back and regret. The proverbs in the living Bible says how to plan
- We should make plan-counting on God to direct us (Prov. 16:9)
- Plans go wrong with too few counselors. Many counselors bring success (prov. 16:22)
- it is dangerous and sinful to rush into the unknown (Prov. 19:2)
- also see (Prov 27:12, 24: 3-4)
Plan head chart your course, and if God is going to be your partner make your plans large.
E - Expect Problems.
Success contains always some problems Paul Harley said “you can always tell when you are on the road to success. It’s uphill all the way, if you find a path that has no problem, you will find that it leads nowhere.
There are two ways to meet our problems. One way is to change the problem, this is only a temporary, partial solution, we can try to make the problem more manageable, but it will get out of hand again tomorrow. The most efficient way for us to overcome our problems is to change the person. By preparing ourselves to face the problems
S - Stand Firm on Your Commitment
The word of God encourages us in 1 Cor 15:58, “Be steadfast, immovable always abounding in the work of the Lord knowing your toil is not in vain in the Lord:” Prime Minister Winston Churchill went back to his alma mater to speak, the audience anticipated a great speech from him. He stood before them and said six words, “Never, never, never, never, give up”. That was it, the speech was over. And that is probably the speech for which he is most remembered stand firm on your commitment. So whatever may be we need to stand firm in our commitment.
S-Surrender Every Thing to Jesus Christ
Don’t ever forget that although you may succeed beyond your fondest hopes and your greatest expectation, you will never succeed beyond to which you are willing to surrender. Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all of these other things shall be added unto you. [Mt: 6:33]
The secret of the surrendered life is giving God the first part of everyday, the first day of every week, the first portion of your income; the first consideration in every decision and the first place in all of your life. When we surrender to him, then we have a power that really caps off the formula for success. Surrender is what brings power. We fight for power and we lose it. We surrender and we find it.
Your's in Christ,
Bro. SelvamMSC.