Indian Culture in the Modern World

India is a land of culture and tradition.
Culture is the way one trains one’s mind and manners. And no culture is inferior to another as long as it does not cause detritions in one’s thinking and deficiency in one’s manner.
And there being no such flows in our culture,
it cannot be termed as imperfect or secondary to any culture.

Our culture strengthens human values and relationships like no other culture.
In the west, marriage is a very simple phenomenon and divorce, a simpler one.
But in India it is not so. Marriage is a very big episode for an Indian. In testing times, we learn to adjust and harmonize our lives.
Coming to the Indian dress code, we have to admit that this Indian Sari is the most elegant and exquisite formal and informal wear. Various Indian arts like the Kuchipidi, the Bharatnatyam, and the Karnatic music are being appreciated all over the world. The shame here is, though all the other cultures respect the Indian culture, we Indians ourselves do not seem to cherish it.
Indian culture is a lovely one.
But the ones to whom this culture is attributed to money minded and to impress particularly no one we adapt to the western culture and in turn lose our own.
Instead of trying to copy others. Let us try to strengthen our own culture. Instead of mis-interpreting our rites and rituals, let us try to get the logic behind them.
Two years back for a survey, a few cows of a breed were divided into two groups and some music was continuously played for them.
 The survey showed that the cows which heard the Indian music gave better result than those which heard the western music. That was just a side truth.
Our culture is artistic civilizing, humanizing, enlightening, educational, enriching, elevating and time honoured.
But….. the Indians have a big inferiority complex.
Nothing “Indian” seems to satisfying them. And for the woman here, everything form their hats to their husbands has to be American.
We are not able to accept our culture because it is different from others. So, what let us be different and create the difference

Your’s in Heart of Jesus,


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