A lot of people take "being in love for granted,"
they don’t really know what it means.
A lot of times people have abused their gift of being in love.
Being in love is much talked about but not fully understood.
Also the people that are in love don’t fully understand their responsibilities.
Many people assume that just saying ‘I love you’ to someone is enough.
These words ‘I love you’ are often said not out of true meaning but just for the sake of it. They have become like the words ‘how are you?’ where people asking are not truly concerned about the other person’s welfare but just say the words as a reflex whenever the meet someone.
The words ‘I love you’ nowadays mean that ‘I still want to continue being with you’.
It’s more of an assurance to someone to show that you not planning to leave them
(though this is not always the case).

In order to understand what being in love is, you must understand what love is.
What is love?
Love is simply being nice
to someone. Something like
helping someone in need is love.
Caring for someone is love.
Saying hello to someone is love.
Giving someone advice is love.
Listening to someone speak is love.
Love is an act of being nice while being in love is an assurance to someone that you love him or her or in simple terms that you are still nice to him or her. To break this down further:
Being in love means: ‘all is well’. Or better still it means: ‘I still want to continue being with you’, as in nice to be with you.
              Love is timeless.
It could be a minute, a day, a year or a lifetime.
But being in love has a time limit (death).
when someone says that they are in love.
They are simply stating that they want this feeling, which is as a result of the nice things that you do for them, to continue forever (until death).
(I am not blaming the girls here but try to admit the fact)
           Girls, who are normally accustomed to it (being in love), they simply want all the nice things that a guy does for her to continue.
If he buys her flowers, she wants that to continue. If he takes her out for dinner, she wants that to continue. If he listens to her when she's talking, she wants that to continue.
 If he cuddles her, she wants that to continue. When these things stop, it is the end of a relationship.
Love is not sitting on your ass while you say: ‘I love you’. It is an act.

Your's in the Heart of Jesus,


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