What Do You Think...?

It has been a powerful time in the Spirit here at the New Life Center.

So excited to see what God is doing in my life and in the lives of all the people.
I'm also looking forward to seeing all of the fruit of what God is doing in people, as we are revived and renewed by the Holy Spirit to carry the Gospel to the world in power.

Look out Ford City and Kittanning!

I wanted to share some thoughts that have been on my heart. They deal with who we are and what we do as Christians. Here is a quote by Francis Chan, pg. 32-33, from his book "Forgotten God":"Churchgoers all across the nation say the Holy Spirit has entered them.
They claim that God has given them a supernatural ability to follow Christ, put their sin to death, and serve the church.
Christians talk about being born again and say that were dead but now have come to life.
We have become hardened to those words, but they are powerful words that have significant meaning. Yet when those outside the church see no difference in our lives, they begin to question our integrity, our sanity, or even worse, our God.
And can you blame them?"I believe as Christians, what we watch on television and movies, how we act, and what we listen to are very important, because the world is watching us.
We need to quite being a little less carnal than the world and begin living by the Holy Spirit.I recently heard this testimony from two Christians and their non-Christian friend. The one Christian is careful in what
they say,
listen to,
and watch on television or movies.
They live that out in front of their non-Christian friend which has brought about great conversations and witnessing opportunities. The other Christian is careful in some areas but very carefree in others even in front of their non-Christian friend.
Do you know what? The non-Christian watches what they say and how they act around the first Christian, in a comfortable way, not in a wierd way (if you know what I'm saying). But the non-Christian could care less how they act around the second Christian. Why?
there is a Holy Spirit change going on in the first Christian that intrigues the non-Christian. The first Christian is still having fun, joking and goofiing around, but when it comes to the things of this world, they are truly dying to it to live for Someone greater, Jesus Christ.
The other Christian not so much.As Christians,
it's not about what I think or what I want to watch or listen to, or even why I think I can.
The more important point is everyone around us. We forget about those around us who are looking to overcome the world and the movies and television that is harmful and music that tears down.
People are coming to church looking for answers from people who have found the answers in Jesus Christ. No they don't want to be told what to watch, listen to, etc.
They want to see it lived out in all of our lives.So instead of thinking about what "I" can watch, listen to, do, etc., let's think about those around us who struggle with those very things. The church is supposed to have found freedom from all of that in Jesus Christ. Why bog ourselves down again with all of that garbage?


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